LANGUAGE SUBTAG REGISTRATION FORM 1. Name of requester: Philip Newton 2. E-mail address of requester: philip.newton at 3. Record Requested: Type: variant Subtag: rumgr Description: Rumantsch Grischun Prefix: rm Comments: Supraregional Romansh written standard 4. Intended meaning of the subtag: "Rumantsch Grischun", the supraregional written standard of the Romansh language. 5. Reference to published description of the language (book or article): -- Pledari grond online (, banca da datas linguisticas, Lia Rumantscha, 2010ss. (vegn actualisà cuntinuadamain) -- Renzo Caduff/Uorschla N. Caprez/Georges Darms, Grammatica per l’instrucziun dal rumantsch grischun, Seminari da rumantsch da l’Universitad da Friburg, versiun curregida, 2009 ( 6. Any other relevant information: Pledari Grond is the big electronic dictionary (rm <-> de) provided online by the Lia Rumantscha, together with a linguistic database, which is continually updated. The Romansh language is pluricentric; there have traditionally been five written standards, called "idioms", roughly representing the major dialect groups. The "Rumantsch Grischun" standard was introduced in 1982 as a supraregional written standard for the entire Romansh language. It is the form used, for example, by the Swiss government as well as by the canton of Graubünden in material aimed at all Romansh speakers. Other organisations, such as town or county administrations or schools, may also use this standard form.